Here are some specially curated lists created specially for you to discover books faster! Do you like these lists? Send us an email about other lists that you might want!
If your child reads/enjoys Geronimo, he will also enjoy following early chapter books! This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Early Chapter books to help you gradually graduate from picture books to chapter books (Age 5/6) This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Interesting books for young readers to help graduate from picture books to early chapter books - Like caterpillars ready to become butterflies!This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Biography and Memoirs worth ReadingThis list of books is available in the DELHI library.
If you believe in this, these books are for you! This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Collection of all time favorite books. The most famous books of some of very renowned children's authors.This list of books is available in the PUNE library.
Know more about the world around us! Learn the facts about cars, animals, planets, sea creatures, etc and more!This list of books is available in the PUNE library.
Read the most famous series of children's novels. Capture the essence of your most favorite characters. Learn all about their adventures!This list of books is available in the PUNE library.
Parenting can be stressful and amusing at the same time, its a personal journey but maybe these books could help!This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Creative Non-Fiction for children / Facts / Knowledge BooksThis list of books is available in the DELHI library.
A collection of carefully selected picture books for children.This list of books is available in the CHENNAI library.
Myth with a touch of History or vice versa --> Good ReadThis list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Books recommended as best 100 for children by - list taken from here [External Link].This list of books is available in the COIMBATORE library.
Books recommended and listed by BBC that they feel every person should read before they die. - list taken from here [External Link].This list of books is available in the COIMBATORE library.
Only fiction writers and lawyers get paid to lieThis list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Road to success is always under construction ... Just don't go off roadThis list of books is available in the DELHI library.
A List of classic childrens books that are popular and available with us. - list taken from here [External Link].This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
A List of books perfect for this christmas!This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Curated special list for Potter heads, fantasy, mystery and adventureThis list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Suggestive, similar reading level books for children who enjoy Roald Dahl This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Peace of mind, Peace in soul - books on various topics This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
For Little and big children, Books that gently touch emotionsThis list of books is available in the DELHI library.
Contemporary and Modern, Classic are timeless and must read This list of books is available in the DELHI library.
A one-way ticket... to terror...This list of books is available in the DELHI library.